Thursday, February 28, 2013

Launch of a Reconstruction of a Bronze Age Ship

This weekend, weather permitting, scientists and engineers will launch a reconstruction of a 4,000 year old Bronze Age ship.  Read more here!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Game Of Thrones Season 3: Trailer

Last week they released a Game Of Thrones Season 3: Trailer (Extended Trailer added 03-02-2013). Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Live Action-Style Dungeons & Dragons Cartoon Characters

The artist known as axlsalles over on has posted a new image of the Dungeons & Dragons cartoon characters shown as if they were actual people. Check it and his other work out here!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Time Machine

Over on the website is a recent article titled "Scientists create automated ‘time machine’ to reconstruct ancient languages."  It's a puzzle piece worth simulating.  Read more here!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Vulcan Could Become a Moon

Looks like William Shatner has jumped into the fray regarding the naming of one of the two as yet unnamed moons of Pluto.  Read more here!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Castlespotting! A Kobold Contest

Woldgang Baur has a challenge for everyone, particularly those of you with a love of castles!  Read more here!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Project Guttenberg,org A lot of old texts that have fallen into

 A lot of old texts that have fallen into public domain can be found at ProjectGuttenberg,org so go check them out and bookmark that treasure trove of writing!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Game Of Thrones Season 3: Chaos Preview

Last week round places YouTubian, one could find the Game Of Thrones Season 3: Chaos Preview.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Expanding Wooden Table

A Facebook Friend pointed me toward a wonderful expanding wooden table that would be great for gaming.  Be sure to watch the video here!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Tale of the Three Brothers

I stumbled across a YouTube video on The Illustration Art channel telling "The Tale of the Three Brothers," a J. K. Rowling piece from her "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" which was published just over five years ago. Enjoy!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Fire in Lake Geneva

Many have already heard the awful news that there was a fire in Lake Geneva early Sunday morning that claimed the apartment and possessions, but NOT the lives, of Ernie Gygax and Scott Felton. This is a terrible tragedy but could have been far worse.  We're all thankful that our friends were spared.

I was just there the day before with Ernie and Scott, along with Tom Wham and Andrew Carlson. I arrived in the evening around 7:30 pm and the usual discussion ensued about what game(s) should be played. Tom was just hanging out at that point after playing something all afternoon and some food was ordered in from The Next Door Pub. Andrew, Ernie, Scott, and I played Kingsburg which we all love and then Poo, the card game where monkeys fling their poo that Scott loves so much. I got an early lead in Kingsburg with the Damsel persona and a quickly built market making adviser-influencing very flexible, and the lead held up through the end. Ernie won our last game of the night, being the last one standing in the monkey cage and covered with the least amount of recycled bananas. I left there some time around 11:30 pm, helping Andrew load up the games he had brought, but joked that it was the first time I ever left before Tom, who had dozed off on the couch.

On my way home I silently chided myself for forgetting to take some pictures, something I often do (as everyone knows), but I was so caught up in the fun I never got around to pulling out the camera. It was such a great place to game and hangout with Ernie and so many others. It's the end of an era but hopefully Ernie, Scott, and KC (Ernie's dog who is also fine) will find new digs very soon. Let's everyone keep a good thought for all of them and, as efforts are organized, do what we can to help. Luke Gygax and Tim Kask have set up a Facebook Page titled "Ernie Gygax Fire Relief" which you can visit here to find ways to help.  Later this week, I will be coming up with a CMG-oriented way to help as well.

Here's a picture with Scott and Ernie
from a previous time we played Kingsburg.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Saturday, February 16, 2013

TSR - Masters of Fantasy

There was a 1997 TSR documentary that Jeff Easley had on tape that bhsieh82 formatted to put up on his YouTube channel.  Enjoy!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Half Price Books Valentines Day Coupons

For those of you who use Half Price Books to pick up used gaming materials and genre reading, these Valentines Day coupons extend the love of gaming, fantasy, and science fiction through the weekend.  Check out their website here!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Games Plus 2013 Spring Auction

If you happen to be in the Chicago area, or will be for the first weekend in March, don't forget about the Games Plus 2013 Spring Auction.  Paperwork is available now if you have some items you'd like to offload. Read more here!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Art Institute of Chicago's New Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Galleries

Over on Lucas Livingston's YouTube channel is a recent video heralding the Art Institute of Chicago's New Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Galleries.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Chicago Gameday 34 is 3/23/2103

If you have never been to the EN World Chicago Gamedays at Games Plus in Mount Prospect, IL, you've missed some great gaming.  The event planning thread is currently underway in the EN World Tabletop forum, so check out what is being offered and set the date aside.  See more here!

Here's the logo from the last gameday.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Stefan Pokorny Draws Them In

A recent article on discusses how Stefan Pokorny, the Dwarven Forge guru, draws new players to his games.  Read more here!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

GnomeCon April 19 - 21, 2013 in Savannah, GA

If you are in the Savannah, Georgia area, or planning to be in April, check out GnomeCon and see if they have some games on the schedule for you to join.  See more here!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Filmmakers Aerial Footage Opportunity

A Facebook Friend recently pointed out a product to me that is likely to make it quite possible for small filmmakers to create their own aerial footage in a relatively affordable way.  For a mere $1350, small production companies can own the Lehmann LA100 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. Read more here!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Doppelganger: The Universal Game Piece Kickstarter

There is a rather innovative idea being touted through a Kickstarter for a universal game piece being dubbed Doppelganger.  See more here!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Richard III Bones Confirmed

It seems the bones of Richard III have been found and confirmed as those of the late monarch.  The website has been keeping a very detailed record of this developing story so see more here!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Monday, February 4, 2013

Form Follows Function

My buddy Jason directed my attention toward a fun, interactive website highlighting interesting uses of HTML5 that, while it might be a bit of a time waster, is fascinating all the same.  Check it out here and the blog that goes with it here!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

The More You Knerd

A funny, fake PSA showed up on Portlandia a short time ago that I wanted to share.  Enjoy!

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Looking to make a document and need the perfect font?  Check out and you'll find many ways to approach choosing the right one for you.  See more here!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Star Wars Episode VII Might Go to Abrams

The latest scuttlebutt on who might direct the Disney initiated Star Wars Episode VII seems to point to J. J. Abrams.  Read more here!